Conflict Transformation Futures Course with Ivana Milojević


This is an online course from the Metafuture School. For more information about Metafuture School or to enroll directly consult

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About the course

In this unique online course, Dr Ivana Milojević uses the future help you resolve inner and outer conflicts in your personal and professional life.

Conflict is everywhere. Even in the most loving of families, and in the most supportive of communities, there is conflict. People often avoid conflict because they are scared of it, and or do not have appropriate skills to address it. But conflict can be a wonderful opportunity to get to the next level of our relationships, to create positive social change, to improve our communities and societies, and that is all possible if we know how to deal with conflict constructively. Too often, we deal with conflict destructively, which means that instead of transforming it to create something new; a different and better future, we actually go towards the root of violence.

In this course, we will utilize the future as a resource to transform conflict in the present moment. We will learn how to minimize conflicts already occurring, how to prevent it from happening in the future, and how to repair relationships after it has taken place. Conflict can be an opportunity to create something novel, something different, and in that sense, we are going to look at where we want to go rather than where we have been. When we look at the past, we get one approach. But when we go into the future which is much more open, we are in a much better position to deal with the conflict in the present moment.

These are the dynamics we will discuss in this course, and we will utilize a number of Futures tools and methods for constructive conflict transformation.

Meet your instructor

Dr. Ivana Milojević is a researcher, writer and educator with a trans-disciplinary professional background in sociology, education, gender, peace and futures studies and Director of Metafuture. She was awarded a PhD in Education in 2003 by the University of Queensland.

Ivana has previously held professorships at several universities including Tamkang University, Graduate Institute of Futures Studies, Taipei; Association of Centres for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

She has worked in public policy settings, giving speeches and providing advice and consultancies all over the world. Finally, she is a published author of academic books, scholarly book chapters and articles. Her books include: Breathing: Violence In, Peace Out. (2013); Who Is Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Workbook for Peace Education, Interculturality and Gender Equity. Eduko: Novi Sad (2012) and more.


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